Personality & Dynamics
Understanding the 4 Attachment Styles: An Overview of Their Impact on Your Relationships
Tara Thomas and Kia Handley unpack the hot topic of attachment theory, and how our early relationships shape the way we connect with others. Attachment styles aren’t just a fad; they’re the blueprint of how we relate.
Cultivating Emotional Self Awareness: Tools for a More Insightful Life
Emotional self-awareness is the foundation of building your emotional intelligence (EQ). It means you can recognize, understand, and effectively respond to emotional information about yourself and those around you.
Emotional self-awareness is the key skill in EQ because having a solid grasp of your emotions underpins all the other aspects of emotional intelligence.
Who has the Power as the Decision Maker in Your Relationship?
What happens when one partner has to make all the decisions? Tara Thomas and Kia Handley talk about whether it is okay to delegate decision making, and what to do if you want to change who is the decision maker. [Includes audio & full transcript]