Radio Shows

From 2019–2023, I teamed up with the incredibly talented Kia Handley on ABC Newcastle Mornings for weekly (then fortnightly) radio shows. These posts bring you some of the best moments from those shows, complete with audio, transcripts, and ongoing edits to keep them fresh and relevant.

two dads and their baby lying on a blanket

Understanding the 4 Attachment Styles: An Overview of Their Impact on Your Relationships

Tara Thomas and Kia Handley unpack the hot topic of attachment theory, and how our early relationships shape the way we connect with others. Attachment styles aren’t just a fad; they’re the blueprint of how we relate.

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Dealing With Passive Aggressive Behaviour

Nothing is more frustrating than the low key buzz of passive aggressive behaviour. Like, did they really just fucking say that?! And what do I do now? Tara Thomas & Kia Handley talk about how to navigate the PAP (Passive Aggressive People). LOL. I just made that up.

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Brave Woman at Protest to Dismantle Patriarchy

Love in the Messy Middle: 10 Ways to Dismantle Patriarchy in Your Relationship/s

Many of us feel emotional & cognitive dissonance between our commitment to social justice, while still having to navigate the realities of the world we *actually* live in. This is especially apparent in the relational dynamics with friends, family, and partner/s.

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a close up of a book titled rules and regulations

Boundaries Versus Rules: Navigating Cooperative Power

Boundaries versus rules is an important distinction when we navigate power dynamics within relationships. A boundary is about power within me to make my decisions. A rule is about power over your decisions.

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Fluorescent colored cubes stacked with social media icons.

Is Social Media In Relationships Helping or Hurting?

With social media omnipresent in our lives, how can we keep our sense of agency in the way we use them? And is social media in relationships a force of good, or evil? Tara Thomas and Kia Handley discuss the impact of social media in intimate relationships. [Includes audio & full transcript]

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Is Your Phone Damaging Your Relationship? 21 Strategies to Take Control.

21 Tips: From small changes (grayscale) to the big guns (k- safe), reclaim your partners attention and stop your phone damaging your relationship.

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Tara Thomas

Hey, I'm Tara, relationship coach & couples therapist.

I'm definitely a weirdo, and have never traveled a conventional path-
It sucks because the world isn't designed for misfits, sometimes it's myself I'm rebelling against, and being a weirdo can be lonely.

I swear a lot, think life is too short to waste on drama & bullshit, and dream of a world where we ALL belong.